Become a Pioneer with these 4 Technologies!

Word een pionier met deze 4 technologieën!

The technologies we described in the previous blog are technologies where pioneers have already trodden the paths. These are technologies you can make use of with your existing business model, with or without a minor modification. But there are also tremendously interesting technologies that are yet to be significantly developed. As an entrepreneur, it is extremely interesting to immerse yourself in these, and build a business model around them. So that you become a real pioneer! 

1. Biotech

Biotech is about using biological material to perform technological functions. You see it a lot in the medical world, for example, tissues that can be controlled by a computer, or minuscule robots made of tissue so they’re not rejected inside the body that can be used for surgeries. It’s also big in the food industry, such as 3D printing of meat. It’s a very fancy form of technology, but quite interesting. Currently, we associate technology too much with metal. But we need to shift our mindset to see robots or technology as something that can be soft and organic.

2. Cybersecurity

If you want to start a company in an innovative industry, choose this one. If you want to pursue pioneering innovation, you certainly can’t overlook cybersecurity. Globally, we’re fairly far behind in this area. For example, during an audit of Schiphol, scandalously large leaks were discovered and a large company like Mediamarkt had its database hijacked by ransomware. Russia attacked Ukraine through servers in the Netherlands. All this shows how urgent the issue is and how important it is to have your cybersecurity in order. But also, how far behind we are right now. We all need to get better at cybersecurity. We need a lot of human capacity to check if everything is going well. There’s a big opportunity for innovation here.

3. 3D-printing

Considerable strides are underway with this technology over the coming years. If you’re a tech enthusiast, you can truly become a pioneer by starting an interesting business model. Today, objects are created in pre-programmable factories using printed templates. But, we’re heading towards a landscape where one printer in a factory can produce thousands of different products or even a whole car including all its components in a single print. This is quite interesting. In the future, instead of buying your car from a store, you could simply download the design for the latest model from brand X and have it printed at your nearest local 3D printer. 

Food printing is also an interesting concept as it means you can create food based on demand, which also links to sustainability. By not producing surplus on one end, you may prevent shortages on another. You could also store raw materials instead of processed ones as they often have a longer shelf life. 

4. Sustainable tech

This involves new innovations in sustainability and technology. Think of electric cars or hydrogen cars. Effectively, you can use all kinds of technologies to promote sustainability. For instance, design a system where clothes are produced only when someone orders them, using a 3D printer, so you don’t overproduce. The material can also be recycled. Sustainable tech can also be something energy-related, like wind energy. And there’s a gigantic market in waste management now. 

These are not technologies that you can easily embed in an existing business. You really need to innovate for these. And set up a completely new business model. 


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