The cost of getting an app made: a detailed overview

Are you considering getting an app made but are curious about the costs? In this article, we give you a detailed overview of the costs involved in developing an app. Whether you want to create an app for your business, a personal project, or a startup, it’s important to have an idea of the financial investment involved. We discuss various factors that affect the costs, including the type of app, functionality, development process, and design. Additionally, we provide handy tips to save costs and make the right choices during the development process. This way, you can make an informed decision and know exactly what to expect when getting an app made. Read on and discover everything you need to know about the costs of having an app made.

An app for a tech startup is different from an app that serves as a tool for an existing business

App development varies greatly depending on the type of business the app is intended for. There is a significant difference between an app that serves as the core business for a tech startup and an app that functions as a supportive tool for an already existing company.

Core-business apps for tech startups

For tech startups, the app is often the core of the business. The success of the startup depends on the performance and functionality of the app. These apps are developed iteratively, meaning they are built in different cycles and continuously adjusted based on feedback and new insights. This process requires long-term collaboration and continuous development. Companies like Marktplaats and have multiple development teams working on their applications for years. We often provide teams that fully guide the technical side of such companies. If you have a similar app, read this article mainly to estimate costs for the MVP.

Supportive apps for existing companies

For existing companies that want to create an app as a tool to support their business, the development process is often different. These apps are usually deployed to better serve customers or to improve internal processes. The development trajectory for these apps is generally less iterative and more focused on implementing specific functionalities that add direct value to the existing business operations.

Want to get an app made?

What is an app and when is it important for a business to have an app?

An app, also known as a mobile application, is a software program designed to run on smartphones, tablets, and other mobile devices. It offers users specific functionality and a user experience. Apps can be downloaded from app stores, such as the Apple App Store and Google Play Store.

For businesses, having an app can be very important. It allows them to establish direct contact with their customers and potential customers, providing valuable information, products, or services. With an app, companies can increase user engagement, build brand awareness, promote customer loyalty, and even generate new revenue streams. Especially for businesses that rely on returning customers, such as in e-commerce, travel and tourism, hospitality, media and entertainment, and healthcare, an app can be an essential tool.

However, it is important to note that not all companies necessarily need an app. For some businesses, it may be sufficient to have a mobile-friendly website or to use other digital marketing channels. It is essential to evaluate the specific goals and needs of your business before deciding to develop an app.

Factors that influence the cost of an app

Various factors influence the cost of developing an app. It is important to understand these factors to get a realistic view of the financial investment required.

  1. Type of app: The type of app you want to develop affects the cost. A simple informational app will generally cost less than a complex app with advanced features.
  2. Functionality: The functionality you want to include in the app also affects the cost. Apps with complex features, such as user registration, payment systems, location-based services, and integration with other platforms, will be more expensive to develop.
  3. Development platform: The platform for which you want to develop the app can influence the cost. Apps can be developed for iOS (Apple), Android (Google), or both platforms. Developing an app for both platforms will be more expensive than developing for just one platform.
  4. Development process: The development process itself can also influence the cost. Hiring an experienced app development company will generally be more expensive than working with freelancers or developing the app yourself.

By taking these factors into account, you can get a better understanding of the cost of developing an app and set a budget that fits the needs and goals of your business.

The app development process

The development of an app goes through several phases, each with its own specific costs and requirements. For tech startups, where the app forms the core of the business, an iterative approach is essential. For companies that want an app as a supportive tool, the process is often more linear. Here is an overview of the main phases of the app development process:

  1. Concept and planning: In this phase, the idea for the app is defined, and the key functionalities and objectives are determined. The target audience and competition analysis are also considered. The costs in this phase depend on the complexity of the concept and the amount of research required.
  2. Design: The app’s design includes both the visual design and the user experience (UX). An attractive and user-friendly design is essential to engage and retain users. The design costs depend on the complexity of the design and the skills of the designers.
  3. Development: In this phase, the app is actually built. It includes writing code, implementing functionalities, and testing the app. Development costs depend on the complexity of the app and the developers’ rates.
  4. Testing and optimization: After development, the app undergoes thorough testing to identify and fix any bugs and errors. Performance optimizations are also carried out. Testing and optimization costs depend on the duration and intensity of the testing process.
  5. Launch: Launching the app includes submitting it to the relevant app stores and promoting it to the target audience. Launch costs depend on the app store fees, marketing activities, and other promotional materials.

It’s important to consider all these phases when budgeting for app development. Each of these phases has its own costs and requires specific skills and expertise.

App design costs

The design of an app is a crucial part of its success. A well-designed app attracts users, enhances the user experience, and increases engagement. App design costs can vary depending on various factors:

  1. Design complexity: The more complex the design, the more time and effort are needed, which can increase the costs. A simple design will generally cost less than a complex design with custom illustrations, animations, and other visual elements.
  2. Design skills: Costs can also vary based on the designers’ skills and experience. An experienced designer may charge higher rates than a less experienced one.
  3. Iterations and revisions: Multiple iterations and revisions of the design may be necessary to achieve the desired result. This can incur additional costs, especially if many changes are needed.

When budgeting for app design, it is important to consider these factors and consult with an experienced designer to get a realistic view of the costs.

App design costs usually range between 500 and 5,000 euros.

App development costs

App development costs can vary greatly depending on several factors. Here are some key factors that influence app development costs:

  1. App complexity: The more complex the app, the more development time is required, which can increase the costs. Apps with advanced functionalities, such as user registration, payment systems, and integration with other systems, will cost more than simple informational apps.
  2. Platform: Developing an app for one platform (e.g., iOS or Android) will generally cost less than developing for multiple platforms. Developing an app for both iOS and Android requires additional time and effort, which can increase the costs.
  3. Developer rates: App developers’ rates can vary greatly depending on their experience, expertise, and location. Developers from countries with higher living costs will generally charge higher rates than those from countries with lower living costs.
  4. In-house development vs. outsourcing: Developing an app with an in-house team can be more expensive than outsourcing the development to an external app development company. Outsourcing can save costs, but it’s important to ensure you are working with a reliable and experienced company.

When determining app development costs, it is essential to consider these factors and create a realistic budget that fits the complexity and objectives of your app.

App development costs usually range between 5,000 and 50,000 euros. Development of more complex apps can even run into the hundreds of thousands or millions of euros.

Costs of testing and optimizing an app

Testing and optimizing an app is an important phase in the development process. It ensures that the app functions properly, is free of bugs and errors, and offers a good user experience. Testing and optimization costs can vary depending on several factors:

  1. Testing methods: Various testing methods can be used, such as manual testing, automated testing, and beta testing. Each of these methods has its own costs. Manual testing can be more labor-intensive and expensive compared to automated testing.
  2. Test duration: The duration of the testing process can also influence the costs. The longer the testing process, the higher the costs will be. However, it is crucial to spend enough time testing to ensure the app functions properly.
  3. Optimizations: Implementing performance optimizations can incur additional costs. This includes optimizing the code, improving loading times, and optimizing the user interface.

When budgeting for app testing and optimization, it is important to consider these factors and ensure that there are sufficient resources available to conduct a thorough testing process.

Costs of maintaining an app

Maintaining an app is essential to ensure that it continues to function and meets the users’ needs and expectations. Maintenance costs can vary depending on several factors:

  1. Bug fixes and updates: Resolving bugs and implementing updates can incur costs. This includes identifying and fixing issues reported by users, as well as updating the app to remain compatible with new versions of operating systems and devices.
  2. Security updates: Implementing security updates is essential to protect the app from potential security risks. This can incur additional costs, especially if regular security updates are needed.
  3. Support and customer service: Providing support and customer service to users can also incur costs. This includes answering questions, resolving issues, and providing technical support.

To ensure that your app is well-maintained, it’s important to consider these costs and ensure that there are sufficient resources available to meet the users’ needs.

Additional costs of launching an app

In addition to the costs of developing and maintaining an app, there are also additional costs associated with launching it. Some of these costs include:

  1. App store fees: To place your app in app stores, you usually have to pay a one-time registration fee. These fees can vary depending on the platform and region.
  2. Marketing costs: Promoting your app to the target audience can also incur costs. This includes activities such as setting up a website, creating promotional materials, running advertising campaigns, and other marketing efforts.
  3. App analytics and reporting: Tracking app analytics and generating reports can also incur costs. This includes using analytics tools and hiring experts to analyze data and provide actionable insights.

By considering these additional costs, you can get a realistic view of the total costs of launching an app and ensure that you have sufficient resources available to promote and support the app successfully.

Tips to save costs when developing an app

Developing an app can be a significant investment, but there are ways to save costs without compromising quality. Here are some tips to save costs when developing an app:

  1. Define clear objectives: By defining clear objectives for yourobjectives: By defining clear objectives for your app, you can avoid adding unnecessary features and complexities that could increase the cost.
  2. Collaborate with an experienced developer: Hiring an experienced app development company can help you work more efficiently and avoid unnecessary costs. They can also advise you on the best approach and technologies for your app.
  3. Focus on the essential features: Instead of trying to include all possible features in your app, focus on the essential features that deliver the core value of your app. This can help reduce development costs.
  4. Consider cross-platform development: If your app does not rely on specific platform features, consider cross-platform development. This can save costs because you only need one codebase for both iOS and Android.
  5. Test thoroughly but efficiently: It’s important to test your app thoroughly, but this can be done efficiently. Use automated testing and beta testing to save time and costs.

With these tips, you can manage the cost of developing an app and ensure that your app stays within the set budget.


Developing an app can be a significant financial investment, but it can also bring enormous benefits for businesses. It’s important to have a realistic view of the costs and understand all the factors that influence those costs.

By considering the type of app, functionality, development process, design, and maintenance costs, you can gain a better insight into the total costs of developing an app.

With proper planning, collaboration with experienced professionals, and smart saving strategies, you can manage costs and ensure that your app succeeds without exceeding your budget.


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