This is Wise Minds: the meaning of IT

Dit is Wise Minds: de zingeving van IT

Our ‘minds’ are often involved in sprints, codes and user stories. But after 5 years of building our brand, it was wise and high time to take a step back. Not literally of course, because we work hard to build and program for our customers every day. But we now took some time to reflect on who we are, what we do and why we do what we do. And we could actually quickly conclude that Wise Minds is about meaning. Because just like every person, we also want to provide added value. We would like to tell you more about the why of Wise Minds.

Tech nerds with a mission

Programmers are often seen as strange beings who only code behind their computers. And yes, they do that a lot. But with passion and purpose, because programmers are just like other people: they want to contribute and make an impact. That is leading within Wise Minds. We do what we do because we believe in the impact we make. And that gives us meaning. Together with the customer, we form a team and take on the project so that we can make an impact with their mission.

Flying start(ups)

We extend our meaning to the customers we work for. And those are specifically startups. Why? Because they often have innovative projects that provide added value to society. It is important for us to see that customers make an impact on society, because we indirectly contribute to this. It’s a kind of domino effect. We also see that startups need help to realize their mission, because they do not yet have enough ‘hands’ and technical knowledge in-house. We often understand what they need and have found a process with which we give startups a flying start. We also offer a platform for startups full of tools, feedback options, features, statistics and more.

Development power

It is very honorable work to contribute to the mission of a startup. We enjoy pioneering entrepreneurs and seeing new platforms come to life. We are therefore happy to offer them the strengths and knowledge they need. Because where things often go wrong is that they cannot yet fill all the positions required for developing the software. You can think of it as David being too small to tackle Golaith heads on. However, he succeeded by using his resources wisely. And that is exactly what we help startups with. We have therefore developed subscriptions that allow them to fill the necessary positions with our people for part of the time. This includes a project manager, a strategist and a QA. They don’t have to hire someone completely for this position, but they do get the value of the position. And our people are also specialized in setting up a startup. So a win-win!

Everyone a chance

Finally, we give our development power not only to our customers, but also to unseen talent. We train raw potential through our Wise Minds Academy. Talents do not always get the opportunity because they do not meet the ‘check marks’ for a regular education. We see these talents and have already seen many people start a great position. In this way we provide added value to both startups and IT talents. That is the impact we want to make on people and society. That is Wise Minds and that makes our work meaningful!


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