What will my next feature be? This is how you determine it!

Er zijn waarschijnlijk honderd en één features te bedenken als je een platform aan het bouwen bent. Maar welke zijn nu het belangrijkst? Zo bepaal je dat!

There are probably a hundred and one features to consider when you are building a platform. You can’t add them all at once though, at least that is not our advice. But how do you then determine what your next feature will be? Which features are the most important to add first? We have some useful tips that will help you in determining your next feature!

Does the feature align with your value proposition?

We often say it, but software development starts with purpose. This means that you determine among other things, the added value (value proposition) of your platform. You then develop a Minimum Viable Product that you test and validate with your target audience. Is your platform being used well? Then you can start adding new features. Just like your platform, it is also important with every feature to ask this question: Does the feature align with your value proposition and does it add value to the end goal? But before you do this, you first need to map out all the possible features.

Brainstorming: which features fit your platform?

To map out all the features, we recommend holding a brainstorming session. Write down all the features you can think of during this session. You can do this yourself with your team, but it is also very valuable to collect ideas from your target audience. To do this, use surveys or organize fun meetings. This way, you can activate users and involve them even more in your product. Once you have collected all the features, you can move on to the next step.

Place features in a grid

Now that you have mapped out all the features, you can determine what the next feature will be. And for this, we have a handy tip: put all features in a grid. The grid looks like this:

The horizontal axis determines the value a feature adds. The further to the right you place a feature, the more value it adds. The vertical axis determines how much effort it costs to build a feature. The higher you place a feature, the more effort it costs. Features that add a lot of value and cost little effort are therefore at the bottom right of the grid. The worst features are at the top left. These cost a lot of energy and provide little value. And as we just said: you have to think from value. That’s why we advise to start with the features that are at the bottom right.

Experimenting: What is the profit limit?

When you have determined the next feature, it is important to implement them as an experiment. Suppose you are creating an app to get people to read more. When is a feature successful? If people read for example 5 minutes extra because of the feature, it is vague whether this is really a profit. If they read an hour longer, it is much clearer that the feature yields profit. Define in advance where the profit limit is and also how much time you take for the experiment. At the end date of the experiment, you check whether it is successful. Do people read more than the minutes you have set as a limit? Then you can continue developing the feature. Is it below the limit? Then you remove the feature. And important: keep the experiment as simple as possible!

If you follow the above steps, you can easily determine what your next feature will be. Don’t just pick a feature, but make sure it fits with your value proposition, delivers value, is easy to build and succeeds in your experiment. Do you have more challenges when building your platform? Then take a look at our blogs about the 4 biggest challenges with a platform as a service. Or contact us! We are happy to help you in determining new features and making your platform a success.


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